
We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or talk with an usher when you visit.

We hope the following FAQs will help you when visiting or joining our parish.

Finding us

Where are the campuses and where should I park?

The Church campus has a church and a hall at 155 Elm St. The parking lot is behind our Academy and is accessible from both 6th St. and Oak St. There is on-street parking on 6th St., Elm St., and Oak St.

The St. Stephen campus has a church and a hall at 1547 Birch St. The rectory is also located there. A parking lot is on the southwest corner of Aspen St. and Birch St.  There is a second lot behind the church and school buildings that is accessible from Birch St. There is also on-street parking on Aspen St. or Birch St.

The St. Thomas Aquinas campus has a church, a gymnasium, and a hall at 729 10th St. The parish offices, the Religious Education classrooms, a youth room, and various meeting spaces are also located there. There is a parking lot at the church that is accessible from Maple Blvd. There is a second lot across Pine St. There is on-street parking on Maple Blvd., 10th St., and Pine St.

Catholic Central High School and Academy, our deanery supported school, is at 3225 Spruce Rd. Our parish celebrates Mass in the Chapel during the school year. Park in the parking spots in front of the school’s main entrance or on the right-hand side of the front-drive that is accessible from Spruce Rd.

Are you one parish or three?

Our Catholic Parish was founded in Byron Center in 2013. We utilize facilities at 3 campuses. Parishioners worship at all three of our churches. Mass is celebrated at each of them during the week and on weekends. Please see our parish history to read about our 6 founding parishes and how we became 1 parish with three campuses.

Where are the parish offices and when are they open?

The parish offices are in the former rectory of St. Thomas Aquinas campus at 729 10th St. The offices are open Monday through Friday, 9 am- 4 pm. The office number is 123-456-7890.

Praying with us

What time and where are Masses?
  • Saturday: 4:00 PM (Vigil Mass)
    • June – September at St. Thomas Aquinas
    • October – January at St. Stephen
    • February – May at Sacred Heart
  • Sunday
    • 8:00 AM at St. Stephen
    • 9:45 AM at Sacred Heart
    • 11:30 AM at St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Monday: 8:30 AM at St. Stephen
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM at Sacred Heart (June – August)
    • Mass is at Catholic Central HS & Academy Chapel during the School Year (September – May)
  • Wednesday: 6:00 PM at St. Stephen*
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM at St. Thomas Aquinas
    • Eucharistic Adoration immediately follows Mass until 3:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM at Sacred Heart

* Wednesdays during Lent, Stations of the Cross are prayed at 6 pm and the Mass is not celebrated. Check the bulletin or parish calendar for locations.

When is confession available?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered 30 minutes prior to weekday Masses, at 3 pm on Saturdays (prior to the 4 pm Mass), or by appointment. There is no Reconciliation before Mass at Catholic Central.

  • Saturday: 3:00 PM at St. Stephen
  • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8:00 AM prior to Mass
  • Wednesday: 5:30 PM prior to Mass
How do I know where Mass or an event is taking place since there are 3 campuses and the school?

Our bulletin, website calendar and myParish App indicate the locations of events using the abbreviations: SH (Sacred Heart), SS (St. Stephen), STA (St. Thomas Aquinas), or CC (Catholic Central).

Visiting us

I have never been to a Catholic Mass. What do I need to know?

Many visitors choose to follow the lead of parishioners for standing, sitting, and kneeling. If you are not comfortable or cannot use these postures, feel free to remain seated.

Hymnals that contain the prayers, readings, and songs are available in the pews.

Communion, or Eucharist, in the Catholic Church is the most intimate expression of our faith. We believe that the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ while other Christian denominations view communion as a symbolic gesture. If you are not a practicing Catholic, we ask you to refrain from receiving the Eucharist. We invite you to proceed forward in the communion line with your arms folded over your chest to receive a blessing. Some non-Catholics prefer to remain in their pew which is also acceptable.

What is a “practicing” Catholic?

A practicing Catholic is a baptized Catholic who lives out the faith by keeping the five precepts of the Church:

  1. Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
  2. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year.
  3. Receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season.
  4. Observe the days of fast and abstinence.
  5. Provide for the needs of the Church through giving of time, talent, and/or treasure.
Where do my children go during Mass?

We encourage children of all ages to attend Mass and sit with their families. When Religious Education is not in session, we offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:45 am Mass at Sacred Heart campus. There is no registration or fee for this program; children come forth when called.

Registering as a parishioner

How do I register in the parish?

You may submit an online inquiry form HERE or by contacting the Parish Office Manager.

Why do I need to register in the parish?

Being registered in a parish is mutually beneficial to both the parishioners and the parish. The parish serves parishioners by ensuring they have access to sacraments, religious instruction, and an environment to grow in faith. Parishioners serve the parish by contributing through sharing their time, talent, and/or treasure to support the community.

Learning the faith

How do I become Catholic?

Please visit our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) page to learn more about the process to become Catholic.

Do you have a parish school?

Parishioners are highly encouraged to send their children to Catholic Central High School and Academy, a Pre-K through 12th-grade school located in neighboring Byron Center and supported by all four parishes that make up the St. Kateri Deanery. Our priests regularly celebrate the sacraments with the Catholic Central students and our Tuesday daily Mass takes place in the school chapel from September through May.

Who needs Religious Education classes and how do I enroll my child for them?

Religious Education classes are for students in 1st- through 8th-grades  who belong to the parish and are not enrolled in a Catholic school. Enrollment takes place from May through August every year. Classes start in September. If you relocate to our parish mid-year, contact the Director of Faith Formation to begin classes immediately.

Why do we need to take extra classes to prepare for sacraments if my child attends a Catholic school?

Sacraments are meant to be parish celebrations and, as a result, preparation primarily takes place in the parish. The Bishop sets guidelines for First Communion and Confirmation preparation which include parent/child (First Communion) and parent/child/sponsor (Confirmation) sessions. Participation in these sessions at the parish of registration is an expectation of sacramental preparation. Please contact the Director of Faith Formation for further information.

Letting us serve you

How do I request sacraments and/or a visit for myself or a loved one who is hospitalized or homebound?

Please call the parish office if you or a loved one is in the hospital. Due to privacy laws, hospitals rely on patients and their family members to notify us of a hospitalization. If you or a loved one is newly homebound, please contact our Outreach Minister to request regular visits and Holy Communion.

How do I have a Mass offered for someone?

Please contact the parish office to request a Mass intention for someone. Mass intentions are often booked far in advance so please contact the office as early as possible to request a specific date or Mass time.

How do I reach a priest in an emergency?

For an after-hours emergency, please call 123-456-7890 to reach the on-call priest.

How do I request assistance with food, clothing, rent, etc.?

All assistance is coordinated through the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please call the parish office at 123-456-7890 and leave a message with voicemail. A member will call you back to discuss your situation and how they can assist.

How do I obtain proof that I received a sacrament?

Sacrament records are kept at the parish of Baptism regardless of where the sacrament was received. If you were baptized after 2013, the records are at Demo Site and you can request a copy by contacting the Parish Office Manager. If you were baptized before 2013 at one of our six founding churches, please contact the Diocesan Archivist, at 123-456-7890 ext. 1234.

Can I rent a church hall for my private event?

Parishioners may contact the Parish Office Manager to learn about availability as well as rental policies.

How do I publish something in the bulletin?

Please submit announcements for the bulletin to our Bulletin Coordinator no later than Friday a week and a half prior to when you need it to be published.

I’ve visited, and I want to become a member!

Mass Times

Weekend Masses


4:30 PM


8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, & 12:30 PM



3:30 PM


6:00 PM

Weekday Masses

Monday – Friday (except Tuesday)

8:30 AM


6:30 PM



Daily, 30 Minutes before Masses